CMA 470 Fraction Collector PC Control Commands
The CMA 470 Refrigerated Microfraction Collector is specifically designed to collect microliter volume fractions typical of microdialysates. It has thermoelectric cooling down to +6°C and the fractions can be collected in sealed vials.
The CMA 470 fraction collector is a stand alone instrument and there is no software option available. However, one may use ACSII commands (see attached) via a serial port type connection (RS232/USB) to control the CMA 470 from a PC. The commands can be sent from any software that can send plain text out over a virtual COM port (such as MATLAB, LabVIEW, Python or even a terminal emulator).
Fraction Collector Commands
F = Do one Step (Q or D or Single)
S = Step to next slot in the cassette
C = Step to next cassette
D = Do down
U = Do up
T = Arm in
O = Arm out
R = Start/Stop fraction collector
P = Cooling on
N = Cooling off
Z = Reset
Computer Interface:
RS-232, 3800 b/s, 8-N-1
USB-port FTDI-chip driver
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